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    Avast AntiTrack Premium

    Get advertisers off your back.

    Disguise your online identity for greater privacy.


    Stop invasive online tracking

    Websites collect information on you to build a unique online profile that advertisers can identify you by. Our anti-tracking software warns you when snoopers try to follow you and stops them.



    What advertisers know

    Your online habits, along with your device and browser settings make up your unique digital fingerprint, allowing advertisers to identify you from a crowd of visitors, spam you with targeted advertising, or even use price discrimination to display jacked up prices for everything you’ve been researching, from plane tickets to healthcare or insurance plans.



    What your family sees

    Did you research your symptoms online? Now your spouse knows about them, too. Your previous searches and visited websites may reappear in your browser at the most inconvenient time, and embarrassing ads for products you’ve already purchased or just searched for can stick around for your entire family to see.



    What data miners do

    The more you browse, the more you give away. Your bank, healthcare provider, even your favorite online shop use data mining to collect and store massive amounts of info on you. All it takes is one data breach to lose it all. You never know who’s going to get their hands on your digital profile, or what they’ll do with it.


    Take back your privacy

    Your browser knows more about you than your mother, spouse, boss, even your doctor. And it’s exposing everything to advertisers, data miners, or anyone who sits down at your computer.



    Know when you’re being tracked

    When advertisers track your online activity, we automatically expose and block them.


    Keep your true identity private

    When you’re browsing, we disguise your online behavior so that no one can tell it’s you.


    Stop targeted advertising

    When you’re shopping online, we hide your purchases so you don’t see the same ads.


    Keep your operating system private

    Stop third parties from seeing, tracking, and collecting information about your Windows® 10 PC.

    Why incognito mode, VPNs, and ad-blockers aren’t enough

    Along with anti-tracking apps, ad-blockers, VPN and incognito mode are all pieces in the great online privacy puzzle. But when used on their own they just don’t cut it. Here’s why.


    VPNs don’t stop tracking

    On its own, a VPN is like Superman: he takes off his glasses and puts on tights, but come on! We can still tell he’s Clark Kent.

    A VPN will encrypt your connection, protect you on public Wi-Fi, and disguise your location, but advertisers can still track you and identify you based on your device and browser settings.


    Take a look inside

    See how our anti-tracking software keeps advertisers and privacy invaders off your back.


    Stop online tracking

    Instantly block tracking attempts and expose who’s trying to gather information on you.


    Check your privacy status

    Get an overview of your privacy status and the tracking attempts we’ve prevented.


    Disguise your online profile

    Mask your digital fingerprint to prevent advertisers from knowing who you are.


    Browse without disruptions

    Stay private without breaking webpages or triggering annoying warnings.


    Hide your browsing history

    Automatically clear your history, cookies, and other browser data.


    Secure your favorite browser

    Use it on your favorite browser — Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, and Opera.



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